Legal Notice
Legal Notice
Responsibility for the website contents
Legal reporting requirements in accordance with §5 E-Commerce Law, §14 Austrian Commercial Coe, §63 Trade, Commerce and, Industry Regulation Act, and und disclosure statement in accordance with §25 of the Media Law.
Sport Wohlfarter GmbH
Liss 250
6474 Jerzens
VAT ID: ATU73394506
Commercial Registration Number: FN 492615 i
Commercial Court: Landesgericht Innsbruck
Registered Business Address: Liss 250, 6474 Jerzens
Member of: WKO (Austrian Chamber of Commerce)
Professional regulations: trade regulations www.risk.bka.gv.at
Regulatory Authority/Commercial Authority: District Authority Imst
Commercial Object of the Company: Sporting goods including rentals and supply of services
Conception, Design, Realization
Büro Maisengasse
Maisengasse 18
6500 Landeck
Photo Credits
The images, photos, and graphics displayed on this website are copyright protected. The copyrights belong to the following photographers and companies:
Intersport Austria, Intersport Wohlfarter (© Bernd Schranz), KTM Fahrrad GmbH, La Sportiva (© Claudia Ziegler), Luhta Sportswear Company, Scott Sports (© Gaudenz Danuser, Keno Derleyn, Jochen Haar, Reto Hammer, Simon Ricklin), Schöffel, TVB Pitztal (© Daniel Zangerl, Chris Walch)